College Information
The California Community Colleges system consists of 114 colleges, with a large number of additional campus centers and classrooms throughout the state. The colleges are spread over a wide range of geography, from mountains to coasts, and rural regions to big cities. Each college offers a diverse array of educational programs, with specializations that reflect the unique character of the local region.
Want to see if your college courses will transfer to another campus?
ASSIST is an online student-transfer information system that shows how course credits earned at one public California college or university can be applied when transferred to another. ASSIST is the official repository of articulation for California’s public colleges and universities and provides the most accurate and up-to-date information about student transfer in California.
Bakersfield | Channel Islands | Chico | Dominguez Hills |
East Bay | Fresno* | Fullerton* | Humboldt |
Long Beach* | Los Angeles | Maritime Academy | Monterey Bay |
Northridge | Pomona | Sacramento | San Bernardino |
San Diego* | San Francisco | San Jose* | San Luis Obisbo* |
San Marcos | Sonoma | Stanislaus |
*All undergraduate programs, pre-programs, and undeclared/undecided programs are impacted. Find out whether a program you're interested in is impacted by using CSU impaction database.
The University of California (UC) system is made up of 10 campuses throughout California. The UC educates more than 238,000 students each year and is annually voted some of the very best colleges in the nation. UC provides a rich environment for student research. Undergraduate students are engaged in various research activities and their post-graduation aspirations align with pursuing research.
Berkeley | Davis | Irvine | Los Angeles | Merced |
Riverside | San Diego | San Francisco* | Santa Barbara | Santa Cruz |
*UCSF offers graduate/professional education only. First-time freshmen will not be eligible to apply.